Thursday, February 12, 2009

Using Scraps

Do you have scraps? I always have fabric scraps. This morning I decided to use some of them for a couple "quick and easy" projects.

The first one is an ID tag. I ironed a piece of white muslin on to freezer paper and wrote my name on the fabric with a micron pen. I left raw edges, tucked in a strap on a short side, and just sewed the backing, batting, and top together about 1/2 of an inch from the edge. You can stitch in 3/4 of an inch or so and then trim up if you wish. For the strap I simply tore the fabric so it is raggy. The strap is slightly under and inch wide. I tore two pieces and put the wrong sides together and sewed down the center to make it stronger than a single layer of fabric. ( You could make a longer strap and attach it to the long side so that it could be used for a name tag.) I embellished with a yo yo and a button.

Also, I made a gift tag with scraps. I used the same scrap fabric for the front and back of the tag. Then I put a smaller piece of muslin on the top and sewed around it. I left the freezer paper on the back of the muslin. I think it was easier to sew on this way. You could remove the freezer paper if you wish. And, finally, I added a button in one corner.

The gift tags will go nicely with the gift bags I like to make. I think I will sew up a bunch so they are ready to go when I need one.

I think this is a great way to use up scraps and save at the same time. Save on $$$s and save a tree. The best thing about fabric gift bags and fabric gift tags is that they can be used over and over again.

What do you think???

1 comment:

June Ingram said...

Great idea for the use of scraps, and a fun creative project, when time is of the essence, but your craving a few minutes of creativity