Saturday, March 20, 2010

Happy National Quilting Day

Today I finished both these mini quilts for the birthdays of my granddaughters - except for the labels. They will be six years old on March 31st. I am sending them these little quilts (about 15 1/2 x 13 1/2 inches) instead of cards. I hope they will like them.


Rose Anne B said...

They are just beautiful and more lasting than the cards, what a lovely idea. When you see them, if they allow lots, please give them a birthday hug from your Canadian pals!!!

Jean "Alexandra" McKeever said...

Thanks, Rose Anne,

If they "keep" the quilts, I would like to find a way to add candles each year to them. There is space in the borders for a few more. Or I might make something to attach to the bottom of the quilts.